6th - 8th Grade


 6th - 8th Grade

6th - 8th graders will be introduced or review the following areas in technology this year: Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Publisher, computer maintenance, computer parts, using tool bar for word editing, Search Engines, Google Earth, Podcasting, Windows Movie Maker, How to cite resources, Google Sketch Up, using cameras and videos in multimedia presentations. Also, mandated by the state of Illinois, schools are to teach Internet Safety lessons.  If you wish for your child not to receive instruction on internet safety, please let me or the office know.


http://www.spellingcity.com/ Great site to practice and review spelling wordsCool

http://fswriting.podomatic.com/  Our Podcast site

www.isafe.org   internet safety curriculum

http://www.learningplanet.com/stu/kids3.asp The Learning Planet  6th Grade

Websites and Resources

http://www.palomar.edu/dsps/actc/mla/   MLA citation maker

http://www.kids-online.net/learn/c_n_l.html  Learn about the Parts of a Computer

 http://www.d11.org/mann/ComputerLiteracy/keyboarding.htm  keyboarding games

http://www.internet4classrooms.com/on-line_ibm.htm  How to... many topics from cleaning out files, defragging your computer and troubleshooting.

http://www.eduplace.com/tales/  Write Wacky Tales

http://www.aaamath.com/index.html  Practice math skills by grade level